Friday, July 29, 2011

Humble Traveler's blog Toronto

Day 3

Started about 3pm and walked from Bay to College to Yonge all the way to Yonge and Dundas square in and out of stores and going through the Eaton Centre. Then i headed out to the Shakespeare in the park presentation that was playing "A winter's tale". It was at high park in a small sort of greek stone opendoor theatre where people get to put some blankets or towels to sit on them. The play was ok but nothing fascinating, fun and with good production.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Humble Traveler's blog Toronto

Day 2

Started the day about 12 walking from Bay street and College with hope to get to the Univerity of Toronto since yesterday i couldn't quite get there. So as i walked by the beautiful buildings of the University trying to find the Drama section i came across a reception for students who gave me directions to some place that closed at 1pm and it was already 2, so i explored the building and found some people rehearsing in a classroom and i explored the library for a while. I explored other buildings as well and found one called the Hart Center, a very HarryPotterlike building (that even had a common room with University Symbols from all over the world!!) which was first build to be a recreational-only center where it was prohibited to study. There i found an art exhibition by a guy called Kevin Schmidt called Don't Stop Believing. I guess what i won't stop believing is that the birds will feast on all of our flesh.
Be as it may I kept walking through St.George street till Hoskin and then towards Qween's park trying to find my way to a place called the Philosopher's Walk (just behind the ROM) where Lisístrata is playing everyday at 8pm. On this road there is a supposedly reminisence of an amphitheatre, just some stones if you ask me, anyways i kept walking towards Bloor Street to a neighbourhood called The Annex. I couldn't find Bloor so i kept walking and found myself surrounded by al the fraternity houses of the University, i jsut tried to imagine what it would be like to live in one, there were beerbottles and hockey shirts all over the windows and patios and in some there was music. I found Kappa Tau,( i dont care what anyone says i saw what i saw). So i finnaly found Bloor street and walked through it. Lots of intresting places started to pop up and i thought it could be good to eat some sushi or some noodles so i looked and looked (cuz i am my mother's daughter so i can't eat in a place that's not PACKED) After blocks and blocks of empty places i got tired and went into one that had a couple on the window (when i got in tha place was packed after all). So it turned out to be one of the best sushi places in the city called Sushi on Bloor where i ate 12 pieces of one of the best suhi i've ever had, a salad, a miso soup and unlimited tea for 6dls. After resting a bit i kept walking and found a huge record store called Sonic Boom Records. A few blocks ahead i found the allegedly best-deal-store in Toronto only to find really ugly clothes and shitty 99cnts stuff. A few blocks later some design store with paper wallets, then a few stores ahead i found Kandy, a young girl with huge aspirations and very little expirience (let's hope she does well). I headed back to Bay to return to a Drama workshop that was taking place at the Theatre Hall in Queen Street W 1087. After some subway and streetcar i made it to what looked like a very well arranged basement to work out as a little theatre. So this was a workshop reading of a play called Sleeptalker about a real story of a man called Dion McGregor (called Dion after Dionisious) who was a somniloquist and told some really strange stories while he was asleep. It's a play about his life and the people he met along the way. After some feedback and refreshments with the cast and the writer and director i headed over to The Rex, one of the best jazz playing places in the city also at Qween's West where my uncle (facilitator of this trip) was. So Dave Young played along with some other pretty amazing musicians who i enjoyed with a well-deserved cold beer to close the day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27

Traveler's blog Toronto

Day one

Started walking and somehow ended up inide Eaton Center, about three blocks of various stores underground, made me think about Montreal; except here its more of a Canada meets New York and Montreal its more of a Canada meets Paris sort of place. Kept walking trying to get out of there and after a while i got out, i tried to find my way back to the university where i was supposed to go in the first place. After a few blocks i realized i was already lost so there was not much i could do exept to keep walking. Arrived to St. Lawrence Market. A two floor really big indoors market with fruits and vegetables

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Molly Malice

Mi super héroe favorita

Sería menos acomplejada.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Horacio Hernández Holgarín:

He descubierto en estos últimos días que eres tan insignificante en mi vida como la letra H, habían de hacerte ahorcar humilde hormiga humeante. Tu holgazanería me hostiga desde la hora en que te conocí en Acahua, Chihuahua; durante la reunión de harapientos sin hambre. Ahí descubrí también tu horrible hábito por comer hierbabuena mientras hacíamos el quehacer, tu inaudita afección por los husos horarios; tu profesión de historiador y hasta que esto te llevara a un apego eterno por la frase “horda de Hunos” que usarías fuera de contexto cuantas veces pudieras. Compartí contigo el hallazgo de un héroe, aquél hombre que resultó ser homofóbico y tener una hernia, inoperable por cierto. Después, cuando me pediste que habitáramos juntos, accedí, a pesar del hedor que simplemente no había forma de ahuyentar de nuestra habitación. Vivimos juntos aquel acuchillamiento en la calle Ocho del pobre viejo que ahorraba cada centavo y se le enchinaba la piel cada vez que veía a Edith, a través de su ventana, abrochar su blusa antes de meterse en su hábito. Recuerdo que en ese entonces también soporté tus seis meses de hipnofobia y tus once kilos de más porque comías chocolate para calmar tu ansiedad y tus deseos de ahogar al gato que tiempo después se vio obligado a huir; pobre Hércules, nunca supe que fue de él. El día en que te confesé que tendríamos un hijo y que había decidido llamarlo Hugo me regalaste una higuera y logré cuidarla hasta que, en tu época de alcoholismo, tomaste el hacha, la talaste, construiste un nido y dormiste ahí semanas enteras convirtiéndonos en el hazmerreír de la cuadra.

A pesar de tu incoherente forma de habitar este mundo, que para ahora también se ha convertido en la mía, me aprehendí a ti y atribuía tus hazañas a tu orfandad; como aquella vez que volaste un cohete y nos dejaste desahuciados. Ahí, admito, aún te anhelaba.

Sin embargo, hoy huyo como Hércules, encontrarás mi almohada y la cinta adhesiva que me regalaste de nuestro aniversario número cuatro en el hueco de la alacena, aquel que hiciste cuando recreabas un huracán. Volveré por ellos en ocho años.



Si algún día


una niña

ella se pararía en las escaleras, miraría hacia arriba y gritaría "las tostaditas se quemaron"
cuando la veas dile que me recuerdas, que yo cocinaba con mantequilla de fresas, que sus


se rompían en pedacitos cuando tocaba las mías,

también dile que cuando se fue

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

B se tiene que ir

B siempre se tiene que ir

B siempre siente que se tiene que ir

B siempre siente que se tiene que querer ir

B siempre se tiene que querer ir

B siempre tiene que querer

B tiene que querer

"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics. You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded. Because the elements, the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars. And the only way they could get into your body is if the stars were kind enough to explode. So forget Jesus. The stars died so you could be here today."

Lawrence M. Krauss

Monday, June 06, 2011

"If I were not mad, I could have helped you. Whatever you had done, I could have pitied and protected you. But because I am mad, I hate you. Because I am mad, I have betrayed you. And because I'm mad, I'm rejoicing in my heart, without a shred of pity, without a shred of regret, watching you go with glory in my heart!"

Gaslight Poster

Gaslight (1944)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Apenas él le amalaba el noema, a ella se le agolpaba el clémiso y caían en hidromurias, en salvajes ambonios, en sustalos exasperantes. Cada vez que él procuraba relamar las incopelusas, se enredaba en un grimado quejumbroso y tenía que envulsionarse de cara al nóvalo, sintiendo cómo poco a poco las arnillas se espejunaban, se iban apeltronando, reduplimiendo, hasta quedar tendido como el trimalciato de ergomanina al que se le han dejado caer unas fílulas de cariaconcia. Y sin embargo era apenas el principio, porque en un momento dado ella se tordulaba los hurgalios, consintiendo en que él aproximara suavemente su orfelunios. Apenas se entreplumaban, algo como un ulucordio los encrestoriaba, los extrayuxtaba y paramovía, de pronto era el clinón, las esterfurosa convulcante de las mátricas, la jadehollante embocapluvia del orgumio, los esproemios del merpasmo en una sobrehumítica agopausa. ¡Evohé! ¡Evohé! Volposados en la cresta del murelio, se sentía balparamar, perlinos y márulos. Temblaba el troc, se vencían las marioplumas, y todo se resolviraba en un profundo pínice, en niolamas de argutendidas gasas, en carinias casi crueles que los ordopenaban hasta el límite de las gunfias.

Julio Cortázar "Capítulo 68 de Rayuela"